

“Tracer take over the space in which they perform. They’ve got the right touch of the past (My Bloody Valentine, The Cure) and the perfect amount of the present (Radiohead, . . . Trail of Dead). Tracer’s music is somehow familiar yet sounds like nothing else you've heard before.”

Chris Baronner, booking agent, Metro

“With enough funky muscle to make Thom Yorke do cartwheels, Tracer play Chi-style Brit-pop for people who don't give a crap that the Queen Mother is dead.”

Peter Scholtes, Minneapolis City Pages

Tracer, the band, desired a brand that reflected their sound. Additionally, we worked on developing an identity that is compelling to their existing audiences and that could attract new ones.

Here's the brand development of our work:
Above, the complete logo is to the left. To the right is three variations of the logo used for various other purposes. Below, the logotype would be appropriate for "low-res" reproduction (i.e. fax, newspaper, etc.)


To see Tracer's identity applied to posters and audio CD packaging, go to Tracer's print materials.


To learn more about Tracer go to



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