
Professionals Represented

"You Are the Key" Form

Interview Process

Contact Information

Career Counseling

ella kallish inc.

ell kallish inc. conducts business in the United States and Canada. Candidates must hold citizenship.

Please answer all the questions in the form below (any questions marked with an asterick are optional but your answer to these questions are appreciates).


you are the key.


ella kallish inc.
A Human Capital Consultancy


Your Name

Company name

Company Address

Business Phone *

Business email *

Home Phone

Home email

Mobile Phone *

Home Address




Are you a Citizen of the US?
Yes   No

Are you a Citizen of Canada?
Yes   No

Briefly, what are you current professional responsibilities?

Briefly, (if applicable) what specific technologies do you use in the course of your work? *

If you are a technologist, use this space to specify your technical proficiencies. *

List three things you like about working for your current company. *

List three things you do not like about working for your current company. *

Why are you looking to make a career change? *

If you could work for any three companies, what three companies would they be and why?

What percentage of travel are you open to? *

Are you married? * Yes   No

Children in school? * Yes   No

Are you a homeowner? * Yes   No

If you could live anywhere in the US, where would you live (be specific to city and state)?
Please specify City & State.

List your academic degrees. *

What is your current base salary and when was your last review?

In two paragraphs or less, describe the ideal job opportunity. *

How did you find ella kallish inc.?